25 September 2012

The Only Beef Shoulder in DC

Jenica and I went to Hill Country on Saturday night and the server actually told us that this was the only restaurant in DC where we could eat beef shoulder.  She was proud of us for eating this particular cut.  It was a funny reaction to our food but one that I appreciate.

I had wanted to try the Hill Country in NYC but I found out one was opening here as well so I pushed it off that list. 

It's set up so we take our meal ticket to the food stations and order what we want.  One of the guys behind the meat counter was so excited about the cheddar and jalapeno sausage which made us that much more excited to eat it. 

Our meat was supplemented with the mac & cheese (very good), corn bread (the kind I wish I knew how to make), cucumber salad (I liked it) and potato salad (too much mayo).  

The meat - it was glorious.  My friend at work started saying glorious today and then I realized it is a great adjective for meat.

I was deeply disappointed that they were all out of there 15 different dessert options.  We went across the street so I could introduce Jenica to Pitango. 

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