19 August 2012


My world has been very focused these days on moving to DC and all of the thoughts and worries that come with making a massive change in my life.  I am trying to just take it one day at a time and checking things off of a list as I'm moving through my day.  I'm also trying to live in the moment as I'm loving the time that I get to spend with my friends in NYC.

I was in DC this last week to look for a new home.  I didn't tell any of my DC friends that I would be in town because I really didn't know what to expect during this process.  I had done my homework before I arrived and I think I found a place but more on that when I finally sign a lease.

This was also the second week of wearing a special shoe on my right foot.  I woke up over two weeks ago with an incredible pain in my right foot.  I went to the podiatrist who informed me that I had irritated my metatarsals (toe bones).  I don't know how this happened as I hadn't done anything out of the ordinary in the days leading to the injury.  It's just one of those things that happen.  Essentially I was told to rest and to wear my special shoe.  I rested a lot and thank you Olympics for being on so I had something to occupy my mind. 

Something wonderful happened this last week. I stayed in a very nice hotel and it had a great mini-bar.  In between looking for my new home, I stayed in my very nice and quiet room and just relaxed while eating treats from the mini-bar.  I have not felt this rested in such a long time.  I was so grateful for the chance to get outside of myself and just stop worrying.  The best part is that I didn't feel any guilt for not exercising or taking advantage of DC.  My foot hurt and I'm moving to DC very soon. 

I don't know if I'll ever have a hotelcation again but it's amazing how everything aligned to let this happen when I really needed it to happen.

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