22 February 2012

Dinosaurs are Delicious

What do Syracuse, Troy, Rochester and Harlem all have in common?

I have lived in NYC for over 3 years now and I'm ashamed that it took a trip to Syracuse to eat at this very delicious place.  I don't know if Harlem is like this but we arrived at 5:45 on a Tuesday night and did not get seated until 7 pm.  It was packed and the place is huge.  I spoke to some locals who said 80% of the people in the place are tourists.  I understand.  I am so grateful that Ryan recommended this place and my friends loved it.

The crowds anxiously waiting to be called by the hostess for a table.

The fine and fancy decor.

I allowed a flash for the food because it was perfect - Texas brisket, pulled pork, cornbread, mac & cheese and barbecue beans.  I was so fat dog happy after eating this meal.

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