01 March 2012

I Have A Crush On A Septuagenarian

I also have one on an octogenarian but this post is not about Christopher Plummer.  I know it sounds strange but I crush on men who are passionate about their calling in life regardless of age. In other words, I like nerds.  I especially like nerds who love history and literature and this crush is good at both of those things.

Tonight I was so excited to hear David McCullough at the Metropolitan Museum of Art talk about a few American artists featured in his newest book The Greater Journey.  Even if you've never read any of his books - John Adams, Truman - you've probably heard his voice.  He narrated Ken Burns' documentary The Civil War and the film Seabiscuit, among other documentaries. 

It was a lovely program focusing on John Singer Sargent, Samuel F. B. Morse, George P. A. Healy, Mary Cassatt, and Augustus Saint-Gaudens.  There is so much to say about each of these individuals and their accomplishments.  I now know that there are 648 works of Sargent's in the Met. The face on the statue of Sherman next to the Plaza is that of a mad man since Saint-Gaudens wanted to literally translate Sherman's quote "War is hell."  Also the Angel of Freedom on the statue was apparently noted for her incredible beauty and was a black model.  Think about Sherman being led to victory by a black woman.  Kind of perfect.  The lesson from the lives of these artists is that hard work is necessary to be happy but make sure it's an occupation you love.

I haven't read the book yet but I'm glad about this since everything I heard tonight was brand new.

McCullough is charming, intelligent and could talk about numerous subjects in a way that makes history come alive.  He is a giant of a man.  Most of all it may be because he spoke glowingly of his wife and introduced her to the audience.  He said many wonderful things about her but I loved that he called her his Pole Star.


  1. he sounds like a sweetheart! how neat that you could go to that!!

  2. "Pole Star" sounds like a stripper nickname. Just sayin'.
