19 May 2014

My Childhood Favorites

And they are still my favorites in so many ways.  I walked to the National Museum of American History on one of the busiest days of the year as it was the Saturday of the Cherry Tree festival.  I've been wanting to go since I returned to DC and for some reason I just had to go that day.

I stopped for breakfast at the Red Apron Butcher and was very happy to see women dressed up like super heroes.

I wanted to only see two exhibits - the Muppets and Julia Child's kitchen.  It makes me laugh how excited I was to see the Muppets but watching The Muppet Show as a child really shaped my sense of humor.  It's a very funny show and they represent laughter and happiness to me.

It made me so very happy to see both of them. And also the awesome turquoise in Julia's kitchen.

I saw a few other cool items like President Lincoln's actual hat.

And a Sunstone from the original Latter-Day Saint Temple in Nauvoo, IL.

As soon as I saw these items, I ran away from the crowds.

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